Join us on a delightful beach walk along Pacific Beach in San Diego, California, one of the most vibrant destinations in the United …

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Join us on a delightful beach walk along Pacific Beach in San Diego, California, one of the most vibrant destinations in the United …
Looped video..
I just miss home period!! SD
My fave in Daygo.
And two girls caught my eye @ 35:38 and 40:09
I was just in pb yesturday…I love san diego..yea it's expensive to live here but I wouldn't trade it for anything else.
I miss SD so much! I use to live in SoCal and went down at least once a month.
I’m just glad I don’t live in this expensive state anymore left this overpriced state 7 years ago and I am so now no more high taxes now living in VEGAS no income tax and the cost of living is much cheaper than California
blue spandex 0:07 WOOF
My favorite spot beach in San Diego ❤.
Same video over and over
Amazing how man6 people NEED to be noticed
I' used to live in Pacific Beach 10 years ago and I miss the beach
beach hopping