also the music could of been better but then again nothings perfect.may i suggest some augustus pablo,the scientist,don carlos,or eek a mouse next time for gods sake? nothing worse then someone with nothing to be pissed off about singing reggae.other then that dope vid
Tow ats with a winch look sooooo fun
So…epic bro🤙🏽
also the music could of been better but then again nothings perfect.may i suggest some augustus pablo,the scientist,don carlos,or eek a mouse next time for gods sake? nothing worse then someone with nothing to be pissed off about singing reggae.other then that dope vid
thank god those kooks from raw beefs arent in this video.god what a bunch of sniffling little privledged,clueless oc kids.
Sick! Enjoy seeing the crew in and out of the water, yew!
Some all time pro legends of the scene in this crew. Looks like a blast.
Only surfed urban surf in Australia. This looks super fun. The water looks so clear and beautiful with snow capped mountains in background.
Thanks Harald! Stoked on this!
Id love to watch some lids that rip ride this.
Great edit Harald🔥🔥🔥🔥
Once again , some of the best and most grateful folks that get to surf PSSC . Thanks Cheyne and Tom !! The wave maestro!!
Wild….the Dj played Reggae music when I was at the old pool in the 80s. Great vibes….
That looks so much better than the old Oasis park.😎🌴🌴
Best day evar 🤙🙌😆 thanks for shooting! 🫡