Aquarium of the Pacific (Long Beach – California)

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Thanks for uploading this video ❤
I’ve been here
how much is ticket
You had to use the YouTube survey music…
I didn’t get to touch the jellyfish cuz they were cleaning. Sad 😢
POV: Amphibia
California’s Population of the Aquarium for the United States of America!
Thank you so much for this video 🤩 I want to visit tomorrow 😍
how much is it?
Thank you for came at Aquarium of the Paciflc
I’m going on the field trip tomorrow!!!!!!! With my class!!!
Aquarium of the Pacific (Long Beach – California)
That whale on the ceiling- I swear to god that scared the SHIT out of me when I went there
Good skate spots there
Nice 👍🏼
Atlantis the Lost Empire
Dino dan marine reptiles
I got crappemd on by birds to
Came here on first grade was fun with the reptiles and water area
I remember going here it was fun and I also went to the queen mary so it was worth the drive (it took like 2-3 hours to get there)
They didn't show the birds.
glad to have this in my city but the outside area where the seals & ducks are is disgusting! they havent changed the water probably since they've opened it. They need to do better maintenance and cleaning, hopefully during covid they took care of all the parameters and water changes. Otherwise close this piece of shit down and set the animals free
I want to go!!!!!!!!
Next time I attend this awesome place, I have a brilliant desire to cre8 my own weekly TV program about things we did, places we visited! 🎬📽
2:23 sea otter challenge
2:24 we can't make an oc of us as a otter
I loved it there
The Sand Dollar Chronicles
Worst. Music. EVER. Omg what was whoever thinking?? Video great tho so thumbs up for that.
Love it! I'm going again 🙂
I went there for my 6th grade field trip
I wanna to go aquarium again the last I was there back in 1999 field trip
Heeeeelp! This music blows!
I going tomorrow I’m so hyped!!
I went here today, I loved petting the sharks and stingrays
I’m going on a field trip! So excited!
I been there. Super fun! 10/10 would go again! Definitely would suggest it!
I went there for a field trip
Nice video, what kind of camera you use? It's very clear.
That stingray is acting like a potato boy
Wonderful ))) big like my friend