Thanks for posting this. Beautiful view of the mountains that surround our community in La Quinta shortly passing the western end of the Salton Sea. Also the clarity of nearby Thermal Airport, The Cove, and Lake Cauchilla were great.
I remember surveying on the Palm Springs airport in the late 70's in the summer. The glue in my work boots melted and the soles came off. Frank Sinatra flew in and had his own hanger. Bob Hope mansion was quite a sight up on the hill.
Thanks Kenneth. At 6:34 I am looking at the view, if you took and X through the corners of the picture and a + from midpoints across, the intersection of all the lines through this "O" would be where I live. This is the best vicinity shot I have ever seen of my location. Thanks again. I'll be waving. That large water hazard right in the middle is the one out back of my place. I do practice shots from my backyard to the nearest sand trap in the middle of the fairway. You can see it there. Hah. And there's the dam. Once when the dam was completely blocking canal water I was reaching in the canal for balls, and slipped in. The water was only 18 inches deep but it was weird being down in there. Wouldn't want to be a big horn sheep in that canal. Just before Cahuilla Lake [upper middle right] there are ropes across the canal. Plenty of ladders along the way. Still weird. Thanks for the picture.
Coming in from east. I have landed hundreds of times in Palm Springs, as a passenger. This is the first approach I have seen from this direction. I have always landed from the reverse direction, both in Metroliners, as in 337, or Airbus.
Great Video…Thanks for sharing. One thing that would make it more interesting would be to have a map in the lower left corner that shows the track of the plane and basically where it is located at the time, so that it matches up with the aerial view. And, for us pilots, it would be great to know your altitude and speed. Do something like Flight Radar. Also, it would be nice (in the description) to tell us what type of aircraft you are flying.
I am a pilot (have not flown in a long time) and a photographer. When I did video's like yours my views increased then I put a flight tracker in the bottom of the screen.
In the early 1970's I lived in the San Jacinto valley, on the otherside of the mountains from Palm Springs. My buddy's and I would leave a car in the Mt. San JacintoTram parking lot, drive around to Idyllwild. And then hike up to the peak of Mt San Jacinto. You had to buy a ticket ride the tram up to the peak but it was free to ride down.
A few years ago Iโd done a residency at the Palm Springs Air Museum and though I flew in and out of PSP many times, the best flights were in the museumโs C47 -what my father flew in WW II over The Hump.
I flew and took students to palm springs airport routinely in government helicopters. We would fly in and out of all of those mountains that surround KPSP. Good times, but retirement is better.
I live in SoCal and have been to PS many times but never by plane. What a view! The barren hills make me think of living on another planet! Great video!
Thanks for posting this. Beautiful view of the mountains that surround our community in La Quinta shortly passing the western end of the Salton Sea. Also the clarity of nearby Thermal Airport, The Cove, and Lake Cauchilla were great.
AA flight? So it must have been a CRJ? I see SW at the terminal also, so I wonder what the largest commercial flies there?
I lived in La Quinta for Lil while. Great hiking and rock climbing behind my house. Too hot 124 in the shade. Nice to see the region from the air.
I remember surveying on the Palm Springs airport in the late 70's in the summer. The glue in my work boots melted and the soles came off. Frank Sinatra flew in and had his own hanger. Bob Hope mansion was quite a sight up on the hill.
Flying into PSP from the east is my favorite! I lived in La Quinta for 17years . Love โค๏ธthis airport too !
Amazing (dismaying) the development over the past 40 years. Good view of the Thermal airport @5:20
You can totally see there was a great flood from God at one time.
8:36 Big Horn
7:19 La Quinta cove
Thanks Kenneth. At 6:34 I am looking at the view, if you took and X through the corners of the picture and a + from midpoints across, the intersection of all the lines through this "O" would be where I live. This is the best vicinity shot I have ever seen of my location. Thanks again. I'll be waving. That large water hazard right in the middle is the one out back of my place. I do practice shots from my backyard to the nearest sand trap in the middle of the fairway. You can see it there. Hah. And there's the dam. Once when the dam was completely blocking canal water I was reaching in the canal for balls, and slipped in. The water was only 18 inches deep but it was weird being down in there. Wouldn't want to be a big horn sheep in that canal. Just before Cahuilla Lake [upper middle right] there are ropes across the canal. Plenty of ladders along the way. Still weird. Thanks for the picture.
At 04:24 you can see 3 vehicles goong southeast bound
Coming in from east. I have landed hundreds of times in Palm Springs, as a passenger. This is the first approach I have seen from this direction. I have always landed from the reverse direction, both in Metroliners, as in 337, or Airbus.
Great Video…Thanks for sharing. One thing that would make it more interesting would be to have a map in the lower left corner that shows the track of the plane and basically where it is located at the time, so that it matches up with the aerial view. And, for us pilots, it would be great to know your altitude and speed. Do something like Flight Radar. Also, it would be nice (in the description) to tell us what type of aircraft you are flying.
I am a pilot (have not flown in a long time) and a photographer. When I did video's like yours my views increased then I put a flight tracker in the bottom of the screen.
Thanks again for the great video.
Thank you for this nice video. I'd like to know what was your flight number and where did you come from ?
In the early 1970's I lived in the San Jacinto valley, on the otherside of the mountains from Palm Springs. My buddy's and I would leave a car in the Mt. San JacintoTram parking lot, drive around to Idyllwild. And then hike up to the peak of Mt San Jacinto. You had to buy a ticket ride the tram up to the peak but it was free to ride down.
This place looks terrible. A large number of small houses squeezed together in a desert.
A few years ago Iโd done a residency at the Palm Springs Air Museum and though I flew in and out of PSP many times, the best flights were in the museumโs C47 -what my father flew in WW II over The Hump.
I flew and took students to palm springs airport routinely in government helicopters. We would fly in and out of all of those mountains that surround KPSP. Good times, but retirement is better.
A map would be really helpful.
Palm Springs is on my to do list. It looks amazing out there.
This is literally a Piner to Palms approach…..
No heat turbulence like lv???
I really liked that airport. Actually peaceful with nice outdoor spaces for sitting while still inside the actual airport.
Excellent, I live out here in Thousand Palms… quite unique scenery to view on approach to KPSP!
San Gorgonio peak at 8:00. Highest point in Southern California.
It looks like death valley with houses. Where are the springs and palms?
I live in SoCal and have been to PS many times but never by plane. What a view! The barren hills make me think of living on another planet! Great video!
What a great place for dozens of golf courses- the middle of a parched desert!
I always like that flight path going in to PSP…and always sit left side of the plane. Nice video!
A dessert
Extremely well done! You give us the landscape without distractions or camera operator glitches.