Palm Springs International Airport, formerly Palm Springs Municipal Airport, is an airport two miles (3 km) east of downtown Palm …

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Palm Springs International Airport, formerly Palm Springs Municipal Airport, is an airport two miles (3 km) east of downtown Palm …
This was my second visit to and from the Palm Springs airport—I could see myself working there as a bartender and/or TSA agent. (Or both.)
And I had my first pat-down at the P.S. airport earlier this month.
The top for me was the store at timestamp 7:08 . On the bottom shelf of the cart out front of the store it looks like you can purchase firewood like you see for sale at grocery stores. Who would have thought…?
Air port so nice I could just stay my holiday there. Coffee snacks pam trees birds amazing. When you leave cold frozen arctic in December it's like a dream.
Palm Springs International is a very interesting looking airport.
It’s my favorite airport, my second favorite is the new airport in Mexico City.
It’s my favourite airport in world
That place reeks of mold and mildew. Gross
does it not have visa controll? im landing there in august
Sooooo, up until you go thru revolving doors you were still in the "secure" area?
I definitely agree, super chill airport
Myrtle Beach airport is the same way….its refreshing compared to the likes of LAX, Chicago or Orlando.
Nice walk!