10 Tips For Visiting LOS ANGELES In 2024! LA Travel Guide

10 Tips For Visiting LOS ANGELES In 2024! LA Travel Guide

Here are the 10 essential guidelines that you should be aware of prior to your trip to Los Angeles in 2024! In this LA Travel Guide, we will discuss everything you need to know about…


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  1. Do you have any tips for visiting LA or places you'd want to see in a future video?

  2. “LA is safe”. Proceeds to give a million reasons why LA is not safe.

  3. From a born and raised LA native. Weather is 85-90% the same year round. The things you mentioned are true. Light jacket or sweater is usually the rule year round and something a bit sturdier during winter months.
    Transportation. Spot on. If you can , rent a car way easier, safer, convenient than public transit..but in LA it might depend on where you're going and what time. An Uber is just easier depending on distance. Traffic or dirty public transit, pick your poison kinda situation. GO EARLY! Wherever you go, go early! Anything or anywhere between 3pm-730/8 is traffic nightmare you can do a lot by knowing this and avoid sitting in traffic. Good point on taking the streets instead of freeways during rush hour.
    Safety. Don't carry your luggage everywhere. Avoid showing off shopping bags once you park for your next destination. Hide them in backseat or cover with towel in trunk if you're moving stuff around a lot during the day.
    Deals. You're right on deals. Usually Google reviews on nearby Eats isn't far off I've learned. There's TONS I mean TONS of places to eat don't always go for what's easily in front of you.
    One thing I'll emphasize that you did mention is visit by area. For example…if you wanna go to Hollywood then plan a day around it, plan a day around the beach, around downtown, etc. Driving between 2 distances can be exhausting so try and avoid it.
    You filmed areas in Hollywood very close to me you must live nearby perhaps lol. Good luck everyone!

  4. Only 1 tip you need, get out as fast as you can 😂 I grew up there before it became Chicago west …

  5. I'm a native Angelino that ditch after 42 years. I visited a fortnight ago and opted to stay in Pasadena. Overall great trip and had a brief encounter of June Gloom, all the weather forecasters were scaring the southland temps would reach the high 90's. We thought that funny as I'm a Floridian now and remember the pussy factor of Angelinos. We had a great time and even ventured to Laguna Beach – which was where I opted to beach when I lived there. Parking costs is a reality. Parking at a Dodger game was $35, which Frank McCourt still held on too when pressured to sell the team. Visited my old hood dive bar on Hillhurst, and waitress told us parking at Paradise Cove was $65. I used to hike Mount Hollywood 3x a week and had to include that on our trip. That now charge for parking which was waived for some reason that day. It might be against the agreement the Griffith family had with the city. When the city tried to charge to enter the park maybe three decades ago, it was defeated in court. On our last night, we attended a Copa America match at SoFi which charges $80 to park. I turned my car in as we checked into airport hotel for our last night and downloaded Lyft. Uber was charging double for the three mile guide. Lyft is the way to go in LA. . …. I often get asked for recommendations from people traveling to LA, and I have to think about it. Only places I recommend is the Huntington Library, The Getty and tested and timed LA eateries, plus who's ever playing at the Hollywood Bowl. . In all, a great trip

  6. Thanks

  7. One, ☝️ of the TEN, tips of visiting Los Angeles, California ?
    1. Avoid, and try not to run into depression, causing “STUCK UP “ Rude, Mother Fucker’s !!!!!
    2. Like the presenter, have mentioned. Be ready to deal, and get accustomed to heavy traffic, L.A.’s traffic, is like a parking lot.
    3. As an L.A. native, who has lived here for more than 40, years. Thing’s to do here are endless !!!! So spending 3, days in L.A. is not enough !!!!!

  8. From someone who's from the Los Angeles area, if you're planning to come for warmth and sunny weather in May or June. It's not the best time for that. We have our so-called "May gray" and "June gloom."" Many days of cloudy and overcast weather. It's due to the heavy marine layer. But from July-December. Yes, we have our typical full-blown sunny days. Were many times we don't see a single cloud in the sky.

  9. For 3rd June, 2024: Gotta make my comment. Why am I watching this video? It appeared on my home page. We just returned from Los Angeles.. My partner and myself.. We were there for 13 days in early May. We stayed in West Hollywood on Fuller. What you say about the subway couldn't be further from the truth. In fact.. We stayed away from the subway for the first two days because of what had been related about it in online forums and videos such as this. So.. On day 3.. I said.. I'm going on the subway.. We went on the subway.. From Hollywood and Vine.. Great station.. Fantastic station.. Rode the train from Vine to Union.. Actually the stop before it. Was Great.. Interesting peoples.. Not dirty at all. Talked to a few of the locals.. Some very interesting characters on the subway.. Walked around downtown for a bit.. Interesting. I highly recommend getting a Tap card and riding the buses as well. We often got the 217 and the 2. I walked a lot day and night.. Love my walks. Walked from the Whiskey to West Hollywood.. Though my partner tires easily and she prefers the bus.. But Nonetheless I love my walks. There was no danger there. Yes.. There are quite a few homeless and Yes it's Sad.. They are harmless for the most part.. But Yes.. It's sad. Helped a few of them out. Walked from Beverly down to near Wilshire.. Good walk. It's quite easy to walk around Hollywood.. However.. The bus is convenient.. But I get my bearings better when I walk it. Walked into Bel Air as well.. Which is another world.. Another dimension. You can get the tour bus.. We Did.. But it can feel cheap.. And really.. You can walk around the Holmby hills and Bel Air on foot.. That way you at least half don't look like a tourist.. Refer to my videos. Avoid driving. Well for me Yes.. As for driving on the other side of the road. I'm from Sydney Australia.. And driving on the other side of the road proved too stressful for me even though I consider myself and excellent driver but Didn't get to attempt it as we didn't have a credit card which the company required even though google said we wouldn't need one. We got a taxi a few places around Hollywood for a very reasonable fair. The dash buses are free.. But seriously.. Walking it is really good.
    We also went to Vegas for 4 days.. Yes.. We saw the Stones.. A Shit fight for the tickets on line as we thought we could just turn up at the box office at Allegiants and avoid the online admin charges.. Ahhhh No.. But we battled through on Michelle's phone which only had one bar of battery left and got very good budget tickets up on the side from stage.
    The next day I opted to walk from Fremont.. I highly recommend Fremont.. Back to MGM Grand Signature.. Airbnb/Lavish/Great price where we were staying. My partner opted to get a taxi back to MGM from Fremont.. I was excited about walking it. The walk.. How was it? Wonderful.. This was about 11pm at night.. AHHH Good.. In fact about the half way mark.. I decided to wander off Las Vegas Blvd and go into some side streets.. I wanted to see some common houses there.. Those streets are pretty dark.. But it was interesting.. I was actually thinking a local might have come out and asked me in for a cup of tea or Strong beverage.. No.. That did not occur. Also.. About the half way point of my walk that night I thought.. Not sue how much of a good idea this was as my feet were getting sore.. But I troopered on.. Saw some Interesting characters. I got back on Las Vegas Blvd and got back to the hotel about 90 minutes laters. Very tired.. Feet and legs sore.. But.. Mission Accomplished.. That was May 12.. And had a spa when back at hotel room.. As our room came with a spa..(was that tfi?) And a spicy Modella. By the way can't get Modella back in Sydney.
    I also recommend the Greyhound if you are not driving.. But sit at the front which is the best view. Maybe Avoid Greyhound though as our driver was very unprofessional and lost peoples luggage.. Depends what driver you get.. I would go with Flix bus.. The green one.. Even though we've never gone with Flix.. Just the driver of Greyhound Was unprofessional. So.. Walking in Hollywood/West Hollywood is good. I did long walks even at night.

  10. First let me say, I love your very informative videos. Second, I love LA!!!!
    I like to stay in a few days in West Hollywood area and do the things I like there then stay a few days in Santa Monica area and hang at the beach area. That traffic is no joke, but I still love LA. ( As soon as I hit the lotto, I'll move there, lol)

  11. Great video deserves more views

  12. What a great video!!!! Kudos to you for putting so much info in here. We are going to LA next month and this one was super helpful. Thank you Parker.

  13. This video is fantastic! These top 10 tips for visiting Los Angeles in 2024 are incredibly helpful.
    From the best time to visit LA and what to wear to exploring Quantum Clinic, a top spa clinic focusing on mental wellness and providing a blend of relaxation and therapeutic benefits, this LA travel guide covers all the essentials for an unforgettable trip. Highly recommended!

  14. Good video for tourists. I would recommend checking out Olvera Street, Chinatown, and Exposition Park, too. They are all accessible via the LA Metro, too.

    I would slightly disagree with your description of the subway. It's gotten a lot better since last year and during the worst of Covid. LA Metro has many more security officers, transit ambassadors, and cleaning crews on all the stations now.

    The subway stations have unique designs and artwork too which would be of interest to tourists. However, I would recommend to be very mindful after dark. During the day, it's really not a problem anymore. The subway feels more like it used to be before Covid. It's also a great deal with a weekly pass of $18 for unlimited use of the 6 Metro rail lines and the hundreds of bus routes.

  15. This deserves way more views! You explain everything really well, I’ll definitely be using this as my reference the next time I go to LA!

  16. Really great video!! Your stable shots are looking so professional

  17. Parker I plan to come to LA Jan 2025 I am loving your vids all they way from Melbourne AUS

  18. Great informative video Parker, i'll keep these in mind for whenever I go back!


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