10 AMAZING Hidden Gems & Secret Spots in SAN DIEGO ! (MUST VISIT)

10 AMAZING Hidden Gems & Secret Spots in SAN DIEGO ! (MUST VISIT)

Tired of the usual tourist traps in San Diego? Visit these 10 Hidden Gems and Secret Spots that are off the beaten path. Check out …


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  1. la jolla cove smell pretty bad, cant stop sea lion from defacating…i guess

  2. z

  3. Boring

  4. Cool video. Have you considered doing a video on best Taquerias in San Diego – there is so much great Mexican food there – and Old Town too. Could also do one on Little Italy. There is also this awesome burger place in San Diego called Beef and Bun (think its in the San Carlos neighborhood) – they have the best milk shakes – especially the Banana. Also – Balboa Park is cool too!

  5. SD is turning into LA

  6. Beautiful Cityโค

  7. Wow nice place San Diegoโค

  8. Youโ€™re awesome!!! Keep bringing us more videos Jay! โค

  9. Thankkk you

  10. Do you still have a contact for barcelona tickets?

  11. You need a San Diego Hidden Gems #2…..& add Top Gun locations. I went to the original bar way back when and the piano & jukebox was there with lots of TopGun posters. Then there was a fire at some point. I think they rebuilt it. It was near the Convention Center….Also, the house where Charlie lived…The cottage was empty for a long time with a fence around it but now it has been relocated to preserve it. Also, a lot of viewers would probably like to ride up the street where Tom Cruise takes off on his motorcycle up that hilly street & Charlie races after him & pull over in the same spot where they kiss ๐Ÿ’‹. โœˆ๏ธ

  12. My wife's hometown is Poway. Been there a lot. Solid restraint in Old Poway Park.

  13. Regarding #5 that looks awesome! Google maps shows a sing by that trail access that says Unstable Cliffs – Stay back. I can't read the regulations sign below it. Is this still a place we can go to?

  14. Hopefully youโ€™re not wearing your mask anymore especially outside lmao. good tips on cool spots.

  15. Civita dog park!!! Nice bro!

  16. Paradise Point used to be Vacation Village in the 60s, 70s,80s and then it was Princess Paradise for a few years before being Paradise Point. The pond was a model boat pond where people who built model boats could come float their boats – it was quite a scene to watch as most of these boats were very elaborate and beautiful – such detail. And if you were staying at the hotel, you could borrow a kite from them and fly kites there. Sometimes 50 people were flying kites at once. They had a snack area next to the hotel where you could get cotton candy, popcorn, taffy, hot pretzels, ice cream bars, popsicles, roasted peanuts, etc. They had toys for kids to borrow like hula hoops, yoyos, paddle balls, etc. They had peddle boats, windsail boats, row boats, etc. you could rent too. Inside was all kinds of family activities for those staying at the hotel. Didn't know you can't go in there unless you're staying there, wonder when that happened, that's too bad.

  17. Not hidden anymore…umph!

  18. your opinion on safety of little Italy–Ash Street

  19. That staircase is dope!

  20. I went to both "secret" swings.

  21. This video was awesome Jay! Just binged a few of your San Diego vids and PMed you on IG!!

  22. Going to San Diego in couple months this is so helpful you have made our planned trip so easy. I love your videos!! Many aren't as easy with his tips ( meaning I love your voice, videos and persona you have a very successful business and I appreciate you and your videos!!! Wish I could meet you in person. Oklahomans are very friendly and genuine!!!!!

  23. thanks for this! planning a trip and would like to see some more unique spots as well as often visited places!

  24. Iโ€™m planning a trip to San Diego and your videos are very helpful. I canโ€™t to go

  25. Good work ๐Ÿ‘

  26. So Nice ๐Ÿ˜ thanks

  27. Mofo Im bored I need better gems

  28. Hi Jay๐Ÿ‘‹ new follower here, just wondering if you have an IG?

  29. Best stairs in town!!

  30. When i go to SD..wanna check those out .

  31. Hidden swing at Birch is there ๐Ÿ™‚ I was there in November Its beautiful ,old swing is there too

  32. ๐Ÿ’•

  33. Instead of walking up the hill I suggest driving up a little further before the community and walk across the path . Itโ€™s a lot easier for older people.

  34. Raised by Wolves is definitely a cool little spot! Great drinks and atmosphere.

  35. I can always find a place to park ๐Ÿ˜..even if I have to walk a bit

  36. I'll subscribe to the SD homie

  37. Have you checked out hidden haven farm in Jamal?

  38. Please check your dash cams and all footage of January 8 for license plate Maylani Black Lexus SUV #MayaMillete ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ’š


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